Reference in the fruit processing industry (19)

 Problem / opportunity 

  • Treatment of effluents resulting from the production of apple jams
  • Regulatory obligation to purify effluents:
  •  156,000 m3 / year
  •  540 Tons COD / year



  • Methanisation of effluents using VALBIO METHACORE® technology – 1 digester of 750 m3
  • Eventually, the objective is to use the biogas produced on a boiler to produce hot water
  • In service since September 2012


 Results of methanisation:

  • 280,000 m3 of biogas produced per year
  • 1,500,000 kWh / year
  • Purification efficiency:
  • COD: 90%
  • BOD: 90%.
Reference in the fruit processing industry (19)
Reference in the fruit processing industry (19)