Asbestos removal from a former hospital – Dommartin-lès-Toul (54)


Asbestos removal before demolition of the former Jeanne d’Arc Hospital, closed since 2011.

This former US Army hospital has been part of the heritage of the Centre hospitalier régional de Nancy since 1969. Designed and built quickly in the late 1940s, for short- to medium-term military use by the American armed forces based in France, it was mainly a civilian hospital.

On this site, 40,000 m² of  buildings are to be clean from asbestos pollution, spread over 23 buildings and 13 hectares.


Key aspects of the project

On this site, are treated:

  • Expansion joints (3 km)
  • Seal coating for external thermal insulation (ETICS) (2300 m²)
  • Heat insulation (1 km)
  • Glazing putties (300 windows)
  • Residual black glue (6 km)
  • Various MCAs (fibrocement plates, pipes, flange joints, etc.)

An important part of this work is the removal of residual black glue along the load-bearing walls (6 km).



Duration: 9 months
Location: Dommartin-lès-Touls

Asbestos removal from a former hospital - Dommartin-lès-Toul (54)
Asbestos removal from a former hospital - Dommartin-lès-Toul (54)